Thursday, February 22, 2007

Meet Zoe!

O-k, we're a little behind...Meet my new sis, Zoe! She came to us in January from one of momma's friends. (Aunt Launi, we luvs ya!)She's older than me, but I'm bigger! We love to burn around the backyard and box in the living room. I've already taught her how much fun it is to dig in da mud and try to eat momma's shoes. Momma doesn't like that too much tho.
We've been busy. I'm in intermediate obedience now and momma keeps sayin something about pulling her hair out. I don't know why she'd wanna do that. There's just so much to see and do at class. Momma says I get distracted too easy. I just wanna play!
Zoe's learning all my tricks and I hafta share my treats with her. But that's o-k as long as I get some too! She even taught me how to sneak up on the bed! Ya see, we don't hafta sleep in our crates no more since we're so good. We have these really nice cushy beds next to momma's. And we pretend like we're gonna sleep there. Hehehe...once we know momma is good and asleep, we both sneak up there with her and snuggle. Hey, if Gizmo gets to do it, so should we! We've gotten really good at not waking momma when we sneak up there. So now we get the people bed almost every night!
Well, time to run around outside. The weather is great! And the backyard is just muddy enough to do some really good digging! WooHoo!!