Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Help Pepino get his knee surgery!

This is Pepino. He is about 8-1/2 months old and belongs to a Boxer lover friend I found on the Boxer Crazy Forum. He is suffering from arthritis caused by Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease in both knees and Hip Displaysia.

Our forum is starting a fundraiser for Pepino. You can choose from t-shirts, mousepads, mugs and more. Please check out our "Boxer Crazy Charity Shop" and know that all proceeds will be helping to pay for Pepino's knee surgeries.


Christmas Tag

Well, two of my new friends, Baily and Lola, tagged me. I have to think of 3 things I want for Christmas and 3 things I don't want for Christmas. Hmmm, lemme see

Well, I want:

1. Treats! Treats! and more Treats! (That's 3 things, right?)
2. A great big, juicy steak!
3. To run down the street and play with the other doggies again!

I don't want:

1. Momma to tell me to get offa her bed no more
2. To wear that silly bandana like Gizmo has
3. Momma and Papa to make me quit diggin in the dirt...it's so much fun!

Well, I'm gonna tag Zoe-N-Dex, Poseidon, Hanna Banana, Bugsy, and Beasley

Woohoo, and Merry Christmas everydoggy!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I didn't like this Santa!

Momma & Papa took us to PetSmart today. I usually love to go there. We always get yummy treats and lots of people lovin on us. And my buddy Adam works there, he's my trainer and I like him a lot!

Well, Momma made us sit with this guy! I'm pretty new to this whole "Santa Claus" thing, but I'm pretty sure he's not the real one! I really did not want to stay by this guy and no way was I going to put my back to him!! Momma and Papa kept talking to me and giving me lots of treats, so I finally sat down long enough for the nice lady to take my picture. But when she went to take another one, I decided I wanted my momma!

Momma says I'll still get lots of good stuff from the real Santa cuz he knows I was just scared of this guy. I mean, geez, he looks kinda funny, huh? Gizmo's been through this a few times, so he just sat on the Santa's lap and momma gave him some of my treats! Maybe next year I'll try harder.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Well, my friend Beasley tagged me so now it's my turn to tell you all 6 weird things about me...

1. I will do ANYTHING for cheese! Really, anything! I love the stuff!!

2. When I get on the couch, I like to lay right on top of Gizmo. He growls a lot, but I'm bigger and so I just don't move. Sometimes he will look at momma like he's saying "save me" and momma kinda laughs and makes me move.

3. I like to lay right at my papa's feet and let out an SBD (silent but deadly) fart. Momma always fusses at papa cuz she thinks it was him!! hehehe

4. I love to chew on my momma's shoes. She kinda fusses me for it, but I think they're yummy! I've chewed up three pairs so far!! Pretty good, huh?!

5. If anybody goes in that people room where they potty, I have to go too. If they close the door I will paw at it and Wooohoo until they open it again! I must be everywhere the people are!

6. I love to go for rides in mommas expolorer. But when we get home again, I won't get out! I lay there on the backseat with my most pitifulest face and don't move until my papa has to come carry me into the house!

Well, ther you go! I'm not that weird, huh? Well, now I'm gonna tag Bugsy, Tyson, and Amber's bunch!